Tag Archives: Amazon Prime

Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power Season One Summary 100 Word Review #100WordReview #AmazonReview #LOTR #RingsofPower

poorly conceived, amateurish fanfic

Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power is the adaptation of the beloved works of J. R. R. Tolkien. One billion dollars well spent? No.

The acting is mostly poor. The dialogue is weak. The characters, for the most part, have no character. The plot arcs are either absent or sketched out, much like the characters. The motivations for characters are weak, unclear and / or non-existent. Things often just happen for no apparent reason, let alone because of the actions of the characters. And there is too much sloppy mystery box, cliffhanger nonsense that never leads anywhere.

Disappointing, poorly conceived, amateurish fanfic.


© 2022-2023 Bryan A. J. Parry

featured image from https://www.frezila.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/The-Lord-of-the-Rings-The-Rings-of-Power.jpg

Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power Season One Summary #AmazonReview #LOTR #RingsofPower

But being 2022, satire has overtaken reality

Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power is the adaptation of the beloved works of J. R. R. Tolkien. Let’s take a moment to think about what that actually means.

  • Tolkien’s books have sold over 200,000,000 copies,
  • been translated into dozens of languages,
  • the Peter Jackson film adaptation (2001-2003) won seventeen Oscars,
  • and grossed 3 billion,
  • and have been described as some of the greatest movies of all time,
  • the books themselves having been famously described by The Times thus: “The English-speaking world is divided into those who have read The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, and those who are going to read them”.

And Amazon has allegedly thrown 1 billion at the show, making it the most expensive of all time.

So no pressure then.

In 2016 I jokingly predicted a 2022 Lord of the Rings spoof series thus: “It’s time to go back down the Hobbit hole, but this time using all the appendices and flabby bits that Walsh, Boyens, and Jackson wisely left out of the films”. But being 2022, satire has overtaken reality. This series has indeed been carefully constructed from the appendices, footnotes and old bits of crumpled-up post-it notes.

When this series began, I was determined to not compare it to Tolkien’s original work, but to evaluate it on its own terms. Tolkien is a high bar to meet, and I feel that would be a handicap for any show. Indeed, that’s why I esteem the Jackson-Boyens-Walsh trilogy so much, as their work was not only excellent on its own terms but also on the terms laid down by Tolkien. Yet even by my looser desire to merely see a great show on its own terms, rather than a great show which does true justice to the beloved late Professor Tolkien’s works, and despite being someone who desperately wants this show to succeed, I just cannot give any episode more than a three out of five, and even then the threes are being scraped; indeed, I wonder how much my misplaced loyalty to the world of Middle-Earth is colouring my views and pushing me towards lenience to this show.

the overall vibe is an amateurish fanfic

This series has some good moments and some bad moments. But the overall vibe is an amateurish fanfic, but a fanfic not even set in Tolkien’s universe but rather set in a universe designed to nod to Tolkien’s. I’m not sure why or how a great company like Amazon with a great IP like this has managed to produce this substandard piece of work.

You can read my episode reviews, both long and short form, for the details. But the whole endeavour can be summed up fairly simply.

The acting is mostly poor. The dialogue is weak. The characters, for the most part, have no character. The plot arcs are either absent or sketched out, much like the characters. The motivations for characters are weak, unclear and / or non-existent. Things often just happen for no apparent reason, let alone because of the actions of the characters. And there is too much sloppy mystery box, cliffhanger nonsense that never leads anywhere.

The only way forward for Amazon is with (1) new showrunners and (2) an effective soft reboot for season two (remember how Troi and Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation or Monica in Friends , to name but two examples, were fundamentally changed with no in-show commentary after season one?).

A quick look at my review straplines sums the whole thing up.

Carefully constructed from the appendices, footnotes and old bits of crumpled-up post-it notes

The Rings of Power: a cure for insomnia

Gimli 2 shows signs of being a genuinely interesting character

Constantly being reminded of British comedians probably isn’t what Amazon was hoping for with its casting decisions.

the writers … fulfil the age-old writing adage of “tell not show”…

…two thousand year old teenager Galadriel

… Legolas 2 … Gimli 2 … Aragorn 2 … Probably-Gandalf …

showing us Sauron so soon…. giving us the money shot from a flaccid chub.

I only spent half the time distracted [this episode] … hardly a ringing endorsement

a memberberry wrapped in a mystery box just for the sake of it

Bad lines badly delivered

makes no sense … no Keyser Söze moment here … one of the dumbest red herrings I have ever seen.

one of the dumbest fake reveals ever

Michael Palin lookalike Celebrimbor

Galdriel suspects … that Halbrand isn’t the king that, err, Galadriel made him out to be

This is a kind of “Darth Vader” situation, isn’t it?

the disappointing and fairly nonsensical ending that this poor first season deserves

All in all, a big let down.


© 2022-2023 Bryan A. J. Parry

featured image from https://www.frezila.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/The-Lord-of-the-Rings-The-Rings-of-Power.jpg

Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power S1E8 150 Word Review “Alloyed” #AmazonReview #LOTR #RingsofPower #150WordReview

makes no sense … no Keyser Söze moment here … one of the dumbest red herrings I have ever seen.


The season finale of Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power finally reveals the identity of Sauron, we see the forging of the eponymous rings, and we (probably) find out who the Harfoots’ Stranger friend is. All great stuff. The problem? The episode is total nonsense.

Sauron’s initial fake identity reveal is poor. No Keyser Söze moment; rather, one of the dumbest, most see-through red herrings I have ever seen.

The idiocy continues. The greatest smith in history, Michael Palin lookalike Celebrimbor, doesn’t know about alloying metals(!) I, a lowly English teacher, have this knowledge.

The show ends on two big reveals. Probably-Gandalf is… probably Gandalf. And Halbrand is… hang on a sec. Halbrand. Hal Brand. Hal. Hell. Brand. Like fire. Literally, “Hell Fire.” This is a kind of “Darth Vader” situation, isn’t it? Yes, Halbrand is Sauron. Dumb.

Bad plotting, a lack of characterisation, poor acting, shoddy dialogue, stuff that just doesn’t make sense. The disappointing and fairly nonsensical ending that this poor first season deserves.


© 2022-2023 Bryan A. J. Parry

featured image from https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/sauron-and-ruler-ring-from-lord-of-the-rings.jpg

Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power S1E8 Short Review “Alloyed” #AmazonReview #LOTR #RingsofPower

makes no sense … no Keyser Söze moment here … one of the dumbest red herrings I have ever seen.


The season finale of Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power finally reveals the identity of Sauron, we see the forging of the eponymous rings, and we (probably) find out who the Harfoots’ Stranger friend is.

one of the dumbest fake reveals ever

The episode starts with the reveal that the whole season has been centred around and building up to: the identity of the dark lord Sauron. Except there’s no Keyser Söze moment here; this is one of the dumbest, most see-through red herrings I have ever seen.

Michael Palin lookalike Celebrimbor

That’s not the only thing that’s impossible to believe in this episode. The greatest smith in history, legendary Michael Palin lookalike Celebrimbor, doesn’t know about alloying metals(!) I am an English teacher with almost no practical skills so to speak, and yet even a lowly bug such as I know about the concept of alloying metals, and how this can be a beneficial process.

The three witches, or whatever they are

The dodgy acting that has been a hallmark of this show continues. Sadoc tries to save Nori from, something, in a quite unbelievable way. Celebrimbor seems to be becoming seduced by powah. The three witches, or whatever they are, have a final stand-off with Probably-Gandalf, and it’s totally ridiculous again.

Galdriel suspects … that Halbrand isn’t the king that, err, Galadriel made him out to be

The characters and plot are still weak. Galdriel suspects what most people have suspected for a few episodes now: that Halbrand isn’t quite the king that, err, Galdriel made him out to be. Indeed, he might be thoroughly naughty. So gets a spy to look into Halbrand’s past but then talks to her super-duper-secret-spy in front of everyone, Halbrand included. Dumbest. Sh*t. Ever.

This is a kind of “Darth Vader” situation, isn’t it?

The show ends on two big reveals. Probably-Gandalf is, indeed, probably Gandalf. And Halbrand is… hang on a sec. Halbrand. Hal Brand. Hal. Hell. Brand. Like fire. Literally, his name is “Hell Fire.” This is a kind of “Darth Vader” situation here, isn’t it? Yes, Halbrand is Sauron. Dumber than that is how Galadriel doesn’t tell anyone. Dumber still is how The Artist-Formerly-Known-as-Halbrand-Currently-Known-as-Sauron doesn’t kill her when he has the chance, merely opting to scarper.

the disappointing and fairly nonsensical ending that this poor first season deserves

Bad plotting, a lack of characterisation, poor acting, shoddy dialogue, stuff that just doesn’t make sense. The disappointing and fairly nonsensical ending that this poor first season deserves.


© 2022 Bryan A. J. Parry

featured image from https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/sauron-and-ruler-ring-from-lord-of-the-rings.jpg

Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power S1E7 150 Word Review “The Eye” #AmazonReview #LOTR #RingsofPower #150WordReview

“He’s gone, he’s gone, he’s gone”. Inspiring stuff.

“The Ring” opens with Hellish scenes: beautiful, evocative and compelling visuals reminiscent of the Fassbender version of Macbeth. Absolute carnage.

That’s about it for the good stuff. The bad?

Flabby dialogue and awful acting ruin anything remotely good. “He’s gone, he’s gone, he’s gone”. Inspiring stuff. And the plotting is non-existent. Gimli 2’s wifie suddenly becomes a power-crazed Lady Macbeth — a good idea, but there was no character arc. A shame, because the quadrangle of Gimli 2, Legolas 2, Gimli 2’s Dad and Dwarven Lady Macbeth Gimli 2’s wifie is one of the few things in this series that had potential.

The show’s like a billion dollar budget fanfic, but less professional. The name reveal of “Mordor” is one of the most absurd things I have ever seen in all of my life.

Speaking of absurd, how did everyone survive a volcano going off in their face? No explanation is, or can be, given.



© 2022-2023 Bryan A. J. Parry
featured image from https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Galadriel-Rings-of-Power.jpg

Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power S1E7 Short Review “The Eye” #AmazonReview #LOTR #RingsofPower

Dwarven Lady Macbeth Gimli’s wifie

Episode seven of The Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power, “The Ring”, opens with Hellish scenes: beautiful, evocative and compelling visuals reminiscent of the Fassbender version of Macbeth. Absolute carnage, apart from Galdriel who is somehow still standing. Effective, shocking and wonderful imagery.

Sadly, that’s about all that’s good. The problems? The flabby dialogue and acting ruin anything remotely good. “He’s gone, he’s gone, he’s gone” and “what cannot be known hollows the mind, fill it not with guesswork” inspiring stuff that was surely homaged (a.k.a. nicked) straight from the pages of Henry V. Verily, I sensed the tongue of Lawrence Olivier on the brain of some of these players and screenwrights. Bad lines badly delivered: this is a case where two negatives don’t make a positive.

An emotional moment between Gimli 2 and Legolas 2 was probably the best moment of the season so far. The quadrangle between this duo, Gimli 2’s Daddy and Dwarven Lady Macbeth Gimli 2’s wifie is probably the most interesting component in the whole show and one of the few that has any flesh on its bones at all. Nonetheless, Wifie’s transformation is all-of-a-sudden and has no arc attached to it. That’s a shame, as it surely would have been a good character arc had they actually bothered to do it.

Bad writing. Bad acting. Characterless characters. A lack of character arc. And plot points that make no sense. The few good moments only serve to highlight how truly awful everything else is. The show is like a billion dollar budget fanfic. But even the most amateurish and deranged fanfic wouldn’t handle the name reveal of “Mordor” like LotR: RoP does in this episode; truly, this was one of the most absurd things I have ever seen in all of my life.

Oh, and actually, let’s think about that compelling opening scene: how did everyone survive a volcano going off in their face? The writers didn’t even go with the cop outs of a deus ex machina or the “it was all a dream” tosh. The characters just… survived. That’s all. I bet the denizens of Pompeii must be kicking themselves.

The episode makes no sense. The characters are not characters and they have no arc. The series doesn’t hang together.


© 2022 Bryan A. J. Parry
featured image from https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Galadriel-Rings-of-Power.jpg

Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power S1E6 150 Word Review “Udûn” #AmazonReview #LOTR #RingsofPower #150WordReview

a memberberry wrapped in a mystery box just for the sake of it

In Episode 6, everything happens and nothing happens.

The orcs invade, Adar’s identity is revealed, the evil sword’s purpose is exposed, and the finale is, err, explosive. But it’s a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing. We simply don’t care about the characters, the dialogue is awful, and nothing makes any sense — especially the ending. Thus, the action is less active and more like a bunch of random stuff happening.

Also, the series is nothing more than a soft reboot of LotR, a memberberry wrapped in a mystery box just for the sake of it. There’s probably-Gandalf, Legolas 2, Gimli 2, basically-Hobbits, Female Sam and Frodo, and so on. We’ve also got pseudo-ring (the broken sword) and pseudo-Gollum (what’s-her-face’s son).

As for the ending… I don’t see how the series can even continue, short of a cop-out “it was all a dream” or a deus ex machina “resolution”.

Just about passable — if you don’t think about anything.


© 2022-2023 Bryan A. J. Parry

featured image from https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Galadriel-Rings-of-Power.jpg

Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power S1E5 150 Word Review “Partings” #AmazonReview #LOTR #RingsofPower #150WordReview

I only spent half the time distracted [this episode] … hardly a ringing endorsement

Episode 5, “Partings”, sees the Southlanders split between two factions — those who are going over to the dark side and those who will stand and fight. We also witness the Queen of Númenor having to make a fateful decision.

Definitely stronger than the previous episode. I only spent half the time distracted, and I remained conscious. Yet hardly a ringing endorsement.

The big problem continues to be the characters — and that really is a fatal flaw. What actually motivates them? The Queen of Númenor’s fateful decision is incomprehensible. Galadriel continues to resemble a teenage fan fiction version; petulant, stupid, arrogant, essentially angsty and definitely not a good guy.

However, on a plus point, black-guy-who-is-the-friend-of-the-guy-who-is-supposed-to-be-Isildur shows signs of potentially maybe having the possibility of becoming an okay character, eventually.

Let’s see if this season has the exit velocity to launch us into a hopefully much improved season two. That’s the best we can hope for at this stage.


© 2022 Bryan A. J. Parry
featured image from https://imagesv2.desimartini.com/images/202209/rings-of-power-1663571355.jpeg

Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power S1E4 “The Great Wave” #AmazonReview #LOTR #RingsofPower #300WordReview

The Rings of Power: a cure for insomnia

Rings of Power Episode 4, “The Great Wave”, involves more Númenor-based Elven hijinks, the big reveal of the mysterious Orc man-God “Arda”, and a Dwarven secret.

There were some good bits. Gimli 2 shows signs of being a genuinely interesting character. The visuals continue to be pretty. The role of the Zummerzet-by-way-of-Kingston-Jamaica-cum-Dublin sort-of hobbits was mercifully minimised. Sadly, the bad is starting to outweigh the good in LotR: RoP.

Galadriel sounds exactly like Kate/Bob from Blackadder II; Female Sam: Dawn French; Celebrimbor: Monty Python‘s Michael Palin. Constantly being reminded of British comedians probably isn’t what Amazon was hoping for with its casting decisions and its investment of one billion dollars.

The writers fulfil the age-old writing adage of “tell not show”… They also mistake a swell of music for a character arc. Poor writing, no characterisation, exposition dumps. This is shaping up to be the anti-Tolkien. Things also just happen because they have to in order to move the plot along. When Legolas 2 (as I’m calling him) copies Gimli 2’s (as I’m calling him) kids’ knocking game and opens up a secret chamber containing a priceless ore, my jaw-dropped — at the absurdity of it all. Also, why is Galadriel a two thousand year teenager? I know actual teenagers who have out-matured Our Lady. Pay-offs happen before we’re made to care about characters, for example, a big meant-to-be-dramatic falling out between Isildur and his mates, two guys we barely remember and don’t at all know.

We just don’t care about these shallow, barely thought-out characters, and there are no clear stakes. I fell asleep twice while trying to watch this. A cure for insomnia is probably not what Amazon was hoping for when they ploughed a billion dollars into this series.

Bored of the Rings? Yes.


© 2023 Bryan A. J. Parry

featured image from https://www.frezila.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/The-Lord-of-the-Rings-The-Rings-of-Power.jpg

Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power S1E1&2 “A Shadow of the Past” and “Adrift” 150 Word Review #AmazonReview #LOTR #RingsofPower #150WordReview

Carefully constructed from the appendices, footnotes and old bits of crumpled-up post-it notes

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power tells the tale of the second age of Middle Earth, some thousands of years before the events portrayed in the Lord of the Rings. Carefully constructed from the appendices, footnotes and old bits of crumpled-up post-it notes from Tolkien’s rubbish bin, LOTR:ROP will take us back to experience the world of J. R. R. Tolkien once more, a world of good versus evil, dragons and treasure, duty and honour, and prosthetic ears.

What has one billion dollars got Amazon? A lot of memberberries, apparently. It’s a soft reboot of LOTR: Galdriel, Legolas 2, Hobbits Harfeet Harfoots, a dark lord, juicy maps, Probably-Gandalf. But it’s all in a 2022 stylee: black hobbits and elves, Female Frodo and Female Sam, lots of powahful women who don’t need no man.

Episode one and two were enjoyable. Not what we feared, but not what we hoped for. Let’s see how the series develops.


© 2023 Bryan A. J. Parry

featured image from https://www.frezila.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/The-Lord-of-the-Rings-The-Rings-of-Power.jpg